Clinical Studies


“FTE® elevates 17-ketosteroid levels in the adrenal glands, which decreases stress-related hormones like cortisol.” Study week also had an effect (P-.0020, with a decrease in depression score at week 12 compared with baseline. HAM-D, Hamilton Depression Rating Scale.

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Cortisol reduction with FTE® by as much as 50%. FTE® selectively improves adaptation to acute stress by normalizing the endocrine and the subjective stress response…

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Sexual Desire and Satisfaction

Over periods as short as 2 weeks, 58% of the participants with low sexual desire noticed improvement. 16 healthy men (aged 47-60 years) who were treated with FTE® for the first 3 weeks and with placebo for the following 3 weeks...

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Muscle Development and Hormone Production

Testosterone and LH levels were measured by blood tests taken by personnel at the university hospital's clinical research center. There is an almost statistically significant difference between the Multifactor group and the Creatine group (p=0,09) regarding fat reduction and increased energy.

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Increase in Stem Cell Production and Release

In the University of Miami study, unprecedented improved cognitive function was observed in 46.2% of the subjects completing the study using the ADAS‐cog cognition score. Additionally, on average there was a 377% increase in stem cell production measured as CD14+ cells in the blood of the subjects completing the study.

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The Most Biologically Active Aloe

Aloe Vera quality and efficacy is measured by Acemannan Content. BPC® is the most bio-active commercially available Aloe vera made.

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GI Tract Health

Stomach acid balancing, soothing of the gastrointestinal tract, promoting growth of good bacteria and delivery of the wound hormone Acemannan are some of the properties that have made Aloe vera plant of choice for ages.

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Skin Care

The activities of Aloe were studied for decades now, and early studies determined that the two major fractions of Aloe were responsivle for two major biological activities.

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Pet Health

Most scientific data available on Acemannan has been actually generated using animals, since this model allows us to extrapolate what could be the response in humans. However, when we consider the pet world, the results are even more comparable.

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EMF Protection

Chaga is one of the highest antioxidant substances known, which can neutralize the oxidative stress of EMFs, and restore balance and harmony at the cell level.

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Immune Defense

Over the years, the chaga creates a host of compounds to fight for its survival, and this is why chaga is sometimes called the "King of the Mushrooms".

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Fatigue, stress, depression, and poor memory are some of the most common problems seen by practitioners. A litthe-known herb, rhodiola (R.rosea) could be an excellent solution for these common problems of modern life.

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Mental Fatigue

Rhodiola can alleviate depression-related fatigue by improving energy levels.

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Collagen and Aging

Because connective tissues have the crucial role of supporting, protecting and giving structure to many of your vital organs, they need to be strong and resilient. It us collagen, which possesses great tensile strength, that allows these tissues to withstand stretching and hold your body together.

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Blood Circulation

L-arginine is converted in the body into a chemical called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow. L-arginine also stimulates the release of growth hormone, insulin, and other substances in the body.

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